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On-Site Training


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On-Site Training and/or Clinical Supervision

Over the years we have been invited to hospitals and clinics in the UK and abroad to teach all levels of ultrasound and ultrasound-guided injections and to supervise individuals and groups of practitioners in their workplace.

On-Site Teaching

We have taught all over the UK and abroad including Hong Kong, Spain, Norway, Italy and Northern Ireland. On-site training allows us to tailor the training to meet the specific learning needs of a group of clinicians, department, clinical interest group or sports club. This suits those who have several clinicians in their department or local vicinity who want to learn ultrasound and have similar learning needs and clinical workload.

Over the past few years, we have taught at Reading FC, Northampton Saints RFC, RAF Halton, Mile End Hospital, Physio IQ, W5 Physio, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Complete Physio, Northern Ireland Police Medical Department and The Cerede Clinic, Barcelona. We also lecture regularly at Canterbury University, Queen Mary University, University College London. These courses have included:

  • introduction and advanced scanning levels
  • ultrasound-guided injections
  • ultrasound scanning in football and rugby
  • foot and ankle course for podiatrists and foot/ankle surgeons
  • shoulder specific course including scanning and guided injections for shoulder surgeons

If you would like to enquire about your specific training needs please email info@ultrasoundtraining.co.uk

On-Site Clinical Supervision

On-site clinical supervision is a unique opportunity for those learning MSK Ultrasound to scan their own clients with close supervision from a member of the SMUG teaching faculty. This provides a very focussed learning experience that is directly applicable to the delegates clinical workload. This can be one-to-one or can be up to one tutor to six delegates depending on the clinic set up.

This serves as excellent preparation for an MSK Ultrasound examination and/or will give the delegate an opportunity to increase their supervised scanning numbers for their logbooks. On-site clinical supervision has varied from a half-day supervised session to a monthly one-day session for 6 months. We are happy to adapt to the learning needs of the individual or group.

If you would like to discuss your specific needs with one of the SMUG team please email info@ultrasoundtraining.co.uk

Organisations we’ve worked with

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