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Introduction to MSK US



Buy Now £655 inc. VAT

  • One machine to three delegates - only high specification machines are used on the course
  • Close supervision from our expert tutors - plenty of time to practice under close supervision
  • Exclusive access to our online resources and content from our expert tutors
  • Opportunity to progress to the Mentorship Programme to gain competency in MSK Ultrasound
  • Comprehensive presentations

This 2-day course is the most comprehensive introduction to MSK Ultrasound in the UK. Now in its 8th year, this intensive, hands-on course is designed for practitioners with no or limited experience in MSK Ultrasound. This course is our foundation level and can form part of our Mentorship Programme to gain competency in MSK Ultrasound. The 'SMUG guarantee' ensures that there is at least one high specification machine to 3 delegates and close supervision from one of our expert tutors.

Course pre-requisites
The course is taught by highly experienced dual-trained physiotherapists/MSK sonographers and sports medicine consultants combining over 40 years scanning experience. We teach you the basic skills required to incorporate MSK ultrasound into your clinical practice and the knowledge and resources to further develop your scanning skills. The course is a mixture of lectures, case studies, demonstrations and practical workshops. The practical workshops take place in small groups with close supervision from our expert tutors.

Book Now 

* Course fully booked? Email info@ultrasoundtraining.co.uk to go on the waiting list.

Booking Options
- Health Sciences University (HSU), London SE1 1JE
- Mile End Hospital (MEH), London E1 4NS
- Queen Margaret University (QMU), Edinburgh EH21 6UU
Please see the Locations tab below for full address details and map.
Available dates
Fri 4th & Sat 5th Apr 25 (HSU) £655
Thurs 8th & Fri 9th May 25 (QMU) £645
Fri 11th & Sat 12th Jul 25 (HSU) £655


The courses is taught by highly experienced dual-trained physiotherapists/MSK sonographers and sports medicine consultants combining over 40 years scanning experience. We teach you the basic skills required to incorporate MSK ultrasound into your clinical practice and the knowledge and resources to further develop your scanning skills. The course is a mixture of lectures, case studies, demonstrations and practical workshops. The practical workshops take place in small groups with close supervision from our expert tutors.

Over the two days, short lectures cover basic physics, artefacts, knobology, image optimisation, quality assurance, medico-legal and clinical governance issues. A significant part of the course is practical workshops with ample time for delegates to scan under close supervision. We cover the knee, shoulder and ankle joints in detail. This includes the ligaments, nerves, surrounding musculature and tendons for each body part. The elbow, lateral hip and wrist are covered in less detail unless specifically requested. Where appropriate ultrasound-guided injections will be discussed with the group.

Who should attend?
This programme attracts MSK Radiologists, GPs with a special interest in MSK/Sports Medicine, Surgeons, Sports Medicine Consultants, Physiotherapists, Radiographers, Podiatrists, Sonographers and Osteopaths.

Course pre-requisites
Must be a health care professional with significant clinical experience
If practising in the UK, must be registered with the relevant UK professional body e.g. GMC, HCPC, SOR etc.

Additional information




Day 1

Time Summary Details
09:15 - 09:30 Registration/Coffee
09:30 - 10:00 Introduction US applications in clinical setting and sports medicine. Tissue characterisation.
10:00 - 11:30 Scanning skills The essentials:

Patient and practitioner positioning
Hand setting, pressure
Orientation in anatomical not radiology planes
Transverse/longitudinal spin
Dynamic scanning

Skills training Know the anatomy and scan the anatomy. Integrate US within clinical assessment
Practice Achilles and calf muscle
Tissue Visualisation Tendon: Achilles tendon
Muscles: calf muscle
Ligament: MCL
Joint: knee/ankle
Nerve: sciatic nerve
Tendon with synovial sheet: tibialis posterior
11:30 - 11:45 Coffee Break
11:45 - 12:45 Knee Part 1 Anterior:
Practical Distal quadriceps
Infrapatellar tendon
Fat pads, suprapatellar recess medial:
Peripheral margin medial meniscus
Medial retinaculum
Knee Cases Presentation and discussion. Differential diagnosis, treatment implications. MRI versus US.
12:45 - 13:30 Lunch
13:30 - 14:45 Shoulder Part 1 Anterior:
Practical Biceps tendon
Rotator cuff
Shoulder Cases Presentation and discussion
14:45 - 15:00 Coffee Break
15:00 - 16:45 Ankle Part 1 Anterior:
Practical Tibialis anterior tendon
Extensor hallucis/digitorum tendons
Tibiotalar joint capsulaLateral
Peroneal tendons and retinaculum
Ankle Cases Presentation and discussion

Day 2

Time Summary Details
09:15 - 09:30 Registration/Coffee
09:30 - 11:30 Introduction Consolidate the basics. Expanding your skills: more challenging structures.
Dynamic testing ligaments, tendons, joints, muscles.
Soft tissue landmarks in muscles.
Transverse/longitudinal spin. Dynamic tests.
Shoulder Part 2 Rotator cuff
Practical Rotator cuff interval
Coraco-acromial ligament
Postero-superior gleno-humeral joint
Impingement tests
11:30 - 11:45 Coffee Break
11:45 - 12:45 Knee Part 2 Lateral Knee
Practical LCL, ITB
Lateral meniscus
Popliteal tendonPosterior joint
Posteromedial corner and pes anserinus
Medial and lateral patellar retinaculum
Knee Cases Presentation and discussion. When is ultrasound assessment indicated?
12:45 - 13:30 Lunch
13:30 - 15:05 Ankle Part 2 Putting your skills to the test! Challenging structures and dynamic testing.
Practical Lateral:
peroneal tendons, ATFL, CFLPosterior:
Achilles and calf muscle, flexor hallucis longus, tibiotalar and subtalar capsula, plantar fasciaMedial:
Tarsal tunnel, deltoid ligamentAnterior:
Tibialis anterior, flexors halluces/digitorum, tibiotalar joint
Ankle Cases Presentation and discussion
15:05 - 15:15 Coffee Break
15:15 - 16:45 Revision and Requests
US in Sports Injuries Presentation
What to do next Use your skills and learn to recognise:

Spectrum of normal anatomy
Spectrum of tissue changes and trauma
Spectrum of tissue healing and complications
Practise and gain experience!
Different pathways


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