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Advanced MSK US



Buy Now £795 inc. VAT

  • One expert tutor to three to six delegates - plenty of time to practice under close supervision
  • One machine to three delegates - only state of the art, high specification machines are used on the course
  • Exclusive access to our online resources and content from our expert tutors
  • Opportunity to progress to the Mentorship Programme to gain competency in MSK Ultrasound
  • Comprehensive presentations

This 2-day course is designed for practitioners with experience in MSK Ultrasound that want to challenge and develop their skills further. This course will take your probe skills and knowledge to the next level. The course is taught by dual-trained physiotherapists/MSK sonographers and sports medicine consultants with over 40 years of scanning experience between them. There is a strong clinical focus throughout and particular attention is made to when, and how, imaging findings change clinical management. Many case examples are presented and discussion is encouraged to share ideas and experiences. Our courses are attended by a range of clinicians, providing an excellent forum to network and learn from each other.

Booking Options

See Locations tab below for venue details.
Available dates
Fri 21st & Sat 22nd March 2025 (MEH)
Sept 2025 – Date TBC


This course is split into Lower Limb on  Day 1 and Upper Limb on Day 2.

Over the two days, we cover most parts of the body, with a particular focus on scanning challenging structures such as the distal biceps, rotator cuff interval and cable in the upper limb, as well as the proximal hamstring, lateral hip and most common muscles and peripheral nerves in the lower limb. Delegates are sent pre-course material to review to help prepare for the course and maximise their learning experience.

Short presentations provide an overview of ultrasound in acute and chronic sports injuries, the relationship with other imaging and the clinical management implications. The majority of the course takes place in small tutorial groups with constant feedback from one of our expert tutors. Numbers on the course are kept low to ensure delegates are closely supervised and are challenged to develop their skills. Our experience shows that teaching in this format is the best way to ensure that delegates can directly translate what they have learnt and apply these skills and techniques in their own clinical setting. Tutorial groups are adjusted to the level of experience, skills and clinical interests of the delegates. At the end of the course, feedback is given on progress, skill level and areas for further development.

The future of ultrasound imaging will be discussed with reference to technical advances such as the development of high resolution multifrequency linear transducers, 3-dimensional imaging, MRI/US fusion and elastography.

Who should attend?
This programme attracts MSK Radiologists, GPs with special interest in MSK/Sports Medicine, Surgeons, Sports Medicine Consultants, Physiotherapists, Radiographers, Podiatrists, Sonographers and Osteopaths.

Course pre-requisites
Must be a health care professional with significant clinical experience
Must have at least one year experience of MSK scanning
If practicing in the UK, must be registered with the relevant UK professional body e.g. GMC, HCPC, SOR etc.

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Day 1 - Lower Limb

Time Summary Details
09:00 - 09:15 Registration/Coffee
09:30 - 11:30 Hip
Detailed Anatomy Review Anterior and lateral structures:

Anterior Thigh: Quadriceps
Posterior Thigh: Hamstrings, adductors
Nerves: Sciatic, femoral, lateral cutaneous

Presentation Case Studies
Muscle Injury Classification
Relational functional-structural changes. Practical implications
11:30 - 11:45 Coffee Break
11:45 - 13:30 Knee
Detailed Anatomy Review Postero-medial, postero-lateral

Calf muscle complex, including Plantaris

Nerves: Tibial and peroneal nerve

Presentation Case Studies
When to use ultrasound imaging in knee injuries
Grading tendon injury. Other imaging
Function- structural changes. What to do and when
12:45 - 13:30 Lunch
13:30 - 15:30 Ankle and Foot Posteromedial ankle
Tibio talar and subtalar joints
Lateral ankle
Nerves: Tibial, sural
15:30 - 15:45 Coffee Break
15:45 - 16:30 Review/Consolidate Practical review by request/popular demand
16:30 - 16:50 Going forwards Recognise spectrum of trauma and healing, clinical and rehabilitation/exercise implications

Day 2 - Upper Limb

Time Summary Details
09:15 - 09:30 Registration/Coffee
09:30 - 11:30 Shoulder
Detailed Anatomy Review Rotator cuff, rotator cable, rotator cuff interval
A-c joint and coraco-acromial ligament. Impingement tests
Nerves: Suprascapular
Presentation Case Studies
Clinical examples: sports injuries, post surgical evaluation
Relation functional-structural changes. Practical implications
Integrate imaging with clinical assessment
11:30 - 11:45 Coffee Break
11:45 - 13:30 Elbow Lateral, medial and posterior joint
Tendon, ligaments
Nerves: from proximal to the elbow to the wrist:Ulnar, radial, posterior interosseus, median
Presentation Case Studies
Sport related injuries, diagnosis and treatment implications
13:30 - 14:15 Lunch
14:15 - 15:30 Wrist and Hand Extensor compartment, carpal tunnel, wrist joints, finger muscles and tendons
Nerves: Ulnar, median, radial
Presentation Case studies
Sport related injuries
15:30 - 15:45 Coffee Break
15:15 - 16:30 Review/Consolidate The challenging shoulder
Clinical and imaging correlation
16:30 - 16:50 Going forwards Recognise spectrum of trauma and healing
Ultrasound guided procedures


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